
  1. That time I was on the telly, drawing Dr Who…(part 1)

    2022-12-08 16:05:57 UTC
    I can almost blame Portrait Artist of the Year  (PAOTY) for where I am now. Not because of my very brief appearance on it in 2018, but because in 2013 when it started, it quickly became my favourite programme on TV. I had always drawn, but I never really thought…

  2. Forget about the outcome…

    2022-12-07 22:09:34 UTC
    I’m a firm believer that unless you’ve had the rare benefit of going to art school (I didn’t) then you’ll have an attitude to making art that always demands an outcome. Well, here’s some considered advice - Stop it! Now! Think about it  - how we made art as a…

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